Positive Moment

Blue Ridge Parkway
Ga Southern Football- Erk
Getting ready for a family celebration
Enjoying some Christmas lights

With everything going on in the world right now, my heart and mind are very overwhelmed and I have been so hard on myself about so much- esp when it comes to learning a new job and having to “relearn” just a few weeks in how to operate under the “new normal” that Covid19 created. This has been a challenge and has left me feeling broken and overwhelmed at times. I just want to do a good job at something that is still so new to me, and there are days where I feel like I am just treading water to stay afloat. So, with all these feelings weighing on me I wanted to share some of my favorite photos of me to remind myself that there is a whole me apart from the worn out version that I feel like most days right now. This too shall pass, and in the meantime I am learning how to treat myself with grace and to simply do the best I know to do. So, if you are like me & feeling overwhelmed or being hard on yourself about things right now, I’d challenge you to stop and remind yourself that this season will pass and that you are amazing even if you don’t always know what to do or how to do it. I challenge you to show yourself some grace and to show that same grace to others because this season of life is something which is difficult for so many. #covid19 #positivevibes #sharethelove #thistooshallpass

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