Life Update: July 2020 “Adulting Wins”

Hello Friends,

young troubled woman using laptop at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

It has been a LONG time since I have had the time or honestly the motivation to share a post on here about much of anything.  This world is still in the midst of a chaos that is surrounding the virus, and I have felt worn out and spent more often than not.  It has been hard to find the motivation for much in the last few months with everything that has been going on.  I have also had a lot of personal life changes that I have been dealing with both physically as well as psychologically and emtoionally speaking.  For the most part I believe that these changes are a good thing, but change is never easy.  I have every intention of trying for be more regular about my posts again in the near future, but for now I just wanted to share a little bit about my life in the midst of a beatifully challenging season.  I read a post from a motivational leader (Dave Hollis) recently that spoke to how I have been feeling.  Dave said, “You are all working through a storm.  You likely didn’t choose it, but your deicison on how you’ll handle it it determines how you’ll weather it. …You foundation determines your outcome.”  Those word are something that speaks to me, especially in this season of my life.  In a recent sermon my pastor talked about how our lives are meant to be an example for those around us and a vessel to help bring others to the LORD.  His question that he challenged us to ask ourselves was: “Is someone in heaven because of me today?”  That message is a great reminder to be a light in the midst of the darkness that is very evident in the world today.

I have had a LOT of “Adulting” Milestones in the last few months.  I have had my very own new-to-me car that I am making payments on for nearly 3 months now, and I am in LOVE with it.  I am so proud of it!  It has been such a blessing for so many reason, not the least of which is how much it has helped with all my “traveling”.  I am in the process of one of the biggest changes of my life.  My parent’s and I are in the process of moving, and I will soon be living the furthest I have ever been from them.  I have a LOT of mixed fillings about this change.  It is one of the biggest changes of my life, and I honestly don’t know how to feel.  I am thankful that this will afford the opportunity for me to spend more time with my grandmother because I adore her.  The process of sorting through stuff that I have accumulated over the course of right around half of my life has been a bit overwhelming.  I have found some wonderful memories that I had forgotten about, and I have found a lot of things that I’m not sure why I still had it.  I still have a lot of work left to do in terms of sorting through my stuff, but I have also mad a LOT of progress.  I am excited to begin a new adventure that will be living “on my own” in a RV/camper for the first time as an adult.  I am also celebrating the 6 months milestone at my “new” vet tech job…it feels like yesterday and forever ago (all at once) that I began this job.  I began working there just before everyting with this virus came to light.  I have had to learn and relearn the job a couple of time because of how quickly this world changed.  I am blessed with some wonderful bosses and coworkers.  I am working harder that I could have imgined, but I am proud of how far I have come as a baby technician graduate.  I am thakful for the postive feedback I have gotten from my boesses and coworkers, and I know that I still have a lot of room left to grow and improve.

Those are just a few of the recent developments of my life.  I am both exhausted and blessed at the sametime.  It feels good to share a bit about how life is going for me.  I have every intention of posting more often in the coming days, weeks, and months.  For now, thank you for taking the time to listen to my story about what has been going on in my life because it feels good to get in off my chest because I have just had so much on my heart and mind with everything that has been going on both in the world and in my own personal life.  I honestly have such mixed feeling about 2020 as a whole.  I have accomplished so much when it comes to “adulting”, but this year has had a strange new and stressful theme to it, but there has been so much loss  and chaos that has gone on in the world.  My heart is heavy for all that has been lost.  There is a part of me that is ready to come out the other side of this storm we are all in, but there is a part of me that knows that I can be greatful for the strength that this storm will produce inside of me because it has made me the woman who I am today.  To mark this season of my life, I got a planner from the Dollar store that inspires me.  My intention is to use this undated planner beginning in August 2020 to plan out my blogging and related social media postings.  The planner itself is full of motivation, but it was the quote on the front that spoke to me in this season of life I am in.  It says, “Make Each Day Count.”  That is exactly what I want to do, and it is somehting that I challenge each of you to do as well. Each day we are alive it is a gift, and we need to make the most of that gift in our own unique way.  Like my pastor challenged I want to be a light that leads others to The LORD in everything that I do.  Here’s to a life well lived, and that adventure that awaits.  I hope that my story helps to inspire at least one person to stand strong in the face of trials.  The best is yet to come, and I am excited to celebrate even more milestones in the coming months.  What’s something you have done or accomplished recenlty that has made you feel like an accoomplished adult?  It can be something as simple as folding and/or ironing laundry, if that is something that makes you feel accomplished.

Please share you “adulting wins” in the comments below so that we can celebrate together! 

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