Happy National Vet Tech Week

Hello friends! October 17-23, 2021, marks the annual celebration of Veterinary Technicians and everything we do! I am excited about what this week means because it is my second time being able to celebrate this week as a licensed vet tech! My how the years have flown by.

This side of 2 years ago, I was preparing to retake the VTNE and feeling anxious about the future. Here I am two years later! It hasn’t all been easy, but so far this week is reminding me about the joy I get out of this career.

So to all my fellow Techs who are struggling Happy Vet Tech week & thanks for all you do! You Rock! To the rest of the veterinary healthcare team, we couldn’t do what we do without you! Go Team!

My Journey Toward Becoming a Vet Tech

Hello Friends,

Today I was reminded of just how far I have come in this journey. I was looking through my Facebook memories over the last couple of days, and I realized just how hard I had to work to complete my externships part of my education with Penn Foster. Today (April 5th) was also the anniversary of getting my degree from Penn Foster in the mail. I can still remember when I got the “unofficial” news that I was a Vet Tech graduate. I was between shifts at my clinic at the time, and I had been having a rather difficult day. I remember checking my email like any other normal day, when I saw the best possible news. I had done it. I had completed my degree and become and Penn Foster Vet Tech graduate.

The months that would follow would be some of the most difficult I would face. Life happened, and I was forced to change up my professional ties. I also struggled in preparing for the hardest exam of my life, the VTNE. That test was both a challenge and a blessing. I learned so much about myself as I prepared to take this exam. I worked my heart out, and after my second attempt I realized my dream of becoming an official Vet Tech (RVT) in the state of Georgia. I also would soon land a job at a new clinic, where I have been now just over 14 months.

This last year has taught my that I am capable of more than I give myself credit for. It has taught me the importance of asking for help whenever I need it. I am exhausted, but blessed. This journey toward becoming a Vet Tech isn’t over. I know that I still have much to learn. But my confidence and skills have improved greatly over these last few months in particular. I have been doing a LOT of thinking over the last couple of months about my professional goals and where I see myself aspiring to.

I have a habit of writing down goals and dreams in my Start Today Journal, and over the last month or so I have been writing down that “I will be a Rockstar Vet Tech daily.” This practice is a reminder to me about how far I’ve come, but also how much room I have for improvement. What does it look like for me to be a rockstar vet tech. I believe that each day it means that I am giving my best toward my job and that I am constantly seeking to improve professionally. It means that I am not afraid to ask for help, or am expected to be perfect. Since I began this practice I have noticed a shift in my mindset that has helped me remember why I do what I do and why I chose this career path. There have been many days where I have wondered to myself if I’m crazy for my professional choices, but when I am reminded of my WHY I am newly inspired to continue to chase my dreams, and to help inspire others to do the same.

So here’s to my first official year (and change) of being a Vet Tech (RVT) and cheers to many more!

New Vlog

I have a new vlog posted on YouTube where I share a look at products I got in a recent Ulta Haul. It’s a bit of hair are, skincare, and makeup. It has a bit of products I have tried before and some that are new to me. Cheers to sharing a bit of things I’m excited to try. It’s been a while since I posted anything, but this is a bit of a look at my life as of late.

Lifestyle Favorites & Empties

Hello friends, I hope this post finds you well. I am a bit overwhelmed with everything going on in my life at this time. There is a LOT going on and I shared a taste of life in my last post. I have been working on this post for a while because I wanted to share some of my favorite things. Most of these items are new to me, and some of them are not. I am going to try to organize them into categories to make this easy to navigate.

Food Items:

  1. Mrs Freshley’s deluxe Reese’s Peanut Butter flavored cupcakes
  2. Saba Spinach & Artichoke Hummus
  3. Popcorn’s (Sea Salt Flavor)
  4. Good & Gather Organic Veggie-flavored corn tortilla chips with flax seeds
  5. Skinny Popcorn (White Cheddar, & Butter Flavors)
  6. Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Kettle Corn (Sweet & Salty Flavor)
  7. White Castle Sliders Cheeseburgers (Frozen)

Beauty Products:

  1. Elf Earth & Ocean Eyeshadow Palette
  2. Nature’s Bounty B12 Gummies
  3. Nature’s Bounty Hair, Skin, and Nails Gummies with Biotin
  4. Olly Sleep Gummies- Blackberry Zen
  5. Portable Oral Irrigator YXY-801

School/Office/Stationary Supplies:

  1. Pilot G-2 07 Gel Pens
  2. Start Today Journal


  1. Hover Cover Magnetic Microwave Splatter Guard
  2. Vision Global Blue-light Blocking Glasses
  3. Smartphone App: Shutterfly (Photos)

I hope that this post is interesting. I have just really been enjoying these items and I wanted to share them in case anyone might find them interesting and enjoyable also. If I am being honest I had hoped to share these “finds” in a youtube post, but life has gotten in the way of my youtube adventure and that bothers me because it is something that I miss doing. It has been a struggle to find the time and motivation with everything going on. I hate that these has been a struggle, and I want to find the time and motivation so bad. I don’t want to be hard on myself. I am just trying to be honest. I hope that you find something you might enjoy among the items on the list above.

What are some of your favorite lifestyle items? Please share them with me below!!

Life Update: October 2020

Hello Friends, it feels like it has been a LONG time since the last time that I shared a taste of my life with you. There has been a LOT going on in my life this past year, especially over these last couple of months. I just wanted to share a bit of what has been going on. I hope that you all are well and that this year has been amazing for you. I admit that this year has been a strange one for me and that it has even been a struggle at times. But, I know that I have grown so much and am thankful for all the things even the hard things. Here’s a bit about what has been going on in my life…

  1. I moved out on my own and now live about 3 hours away from my parents. This is the furthest I’ve ever been from them. This has been a challenge that I never expected to be so difficult. I am both excited and honestly a little anxious about this new adventure.

2. On a similar note, I am still trying to get settled in my new place and I am still feeling disorganized and overwhelmed because it feels like I still have so much to do and not enough time.

3. I have also been in a place in my life where I have been making a whole lot of “Adulting” decisions. I have had to plan on how to pay for all times of new bills both planned and unplanned. I have also had to research all types of professionals like Doctors and Repairmen, etc.

4. I got a sweet care package from local school kids that was a bright spot in my life that I am so thankful and blessed to have received.

5. I confess that I was super excited about finding Clorox Wipes in a store around the middle of October for the first time since March 2020. I am still amazed that life has changed so much, that this find was so exciting for me. Sometimes it is the simple things in life.

6. I have started a habit of drinking Gatorade/Powerade with my lunch on workdays. This has been helpful for me feel more hydrated and have a little more energy throughout the day.

7. Finally, this verse has been speaking to my heart and how I have been feeling in the midst of my struggles over the last couple of months… “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ my rest upon me. ” (2 Corinthians 12:9, ESV).

Wow, 2020 has been a WILD year! I can’t believe that it is already this far into the year. Where has all the time gone? I really want to share more on here beyond these life updates, but I hope that even these simple posts are helpful and inspiring or motivational for someone. I have all kinds of ideas for posts that I would like to share, in Blog and Vlog form. I have neglected this Blog and the Youtube channel I created more that I would like over the last couple of months.

Do you have any exciting life updates you would like to share? Please feel free to contact me and share, so I can celebrate with you! Hope 2020 is treating you well!

August Goals

I realize we are a few days into August 2020 at this point, and that life is crazy for a lot of people (including myself). However, I have been thinking that I wanted to share some goals I have for this Blog & it’s related social accounts as well as some general life goals for this month of August.

August 2020 Goals:

1. 2-3 blog posts for the month

2. 1-2 Vlogs for the month

3. Read/Interact with other blogs and social accounts. If you have a blog/social account that you think I might be interested in please drop the info in the comments. Thanks.

4. Read for fun and education. I am working on a reading list

5. Get organized after I get moved

Those are just my general goals for this month! Got a goal you’d like to share drop it in the comments. Hope you all are well, in this strange world we are living in. Me I am struggling right now, but I am blessed.

Reading Material

I have always enjoyed #bethmoore as a speaker, and am excited to read her words of wisdom and encouragement. I’ve not felt like myself for one reason or another (more often than not lately…this morning included), and feel like the message in these pages could be of great encouragement to me in this strange season of life. Life is wearing on me lately, but I know that I am blessed. #favoriteauthor