Youtube Channel Update

Modern Vet Tech Lifestyle

Hello Friends,

I wanted to take a moment and give you all an update on my Youtube Channel.  I have been in the midst of a season of chaos lately with things going on in my life.  However, I am still very excited and want to share content on my Youtube channel as well as on here and my other social accounts.  Today, I had two more “Study Time” videos go live.  For this videos I have been focusing on Medical Terminology (one letter of the alphabet at a time) and there is no sound.  I am hoping that these videos are able to serve as a quick review/ quiz for anyone who wants to practice their medical terminology.  I only put a handful of terms in each video for each given letter of the alphabet.  I have started a playlist of all of the videos, and will continue to work on getting more videos uploaded when I get an opportunity.  I hope that these videos are helpful and informative.

If you would like to check out my Study Time Videos Playlist you can CLICK HERE to see what they are all about.  If you have not already, please check me out on my other platforms.  “Modern Vet Tech Lifestyle” on Facebook and Youtube and @modernvetech on Instagram and Twitter. I would love to connect with you and start a community of fellowship and encouragement.  Thanks for your time, and I hope each of you is having a wonderful New Year so far.

The Thriving 20s

Photo by cottonbro on
scrabble resolutions
Photo by Breakingpic on

It’s that time of year again!  It is the time of year where we take time to consider the goals and resolutions that we have for the New Year.  I wanted to take some time to share some things that I have on my “Resolutions” list for this new year and beginning of new decade.  I am amazed that is has been 10 years now since 2010.  So much has happened in my life over these last ten years, and my life doesnt look how I expected it to, but WOW at the stuff that I have wittnessed and learned!

Highlights of the last decade:

  •  March 2010 Spring Break Mission Trip (My second time visiting outside of the USA, my first trip to the Bahamas).
  • May 2010 Graduation from Georgia Southern
  • August 2010 Began working at the Georgia Southern Wesley Foundation
  • March 2011 Second Bahamas Trip
  • March 2012 Third Bahmas Trip
  • December 2012 Stepped down from Wesley Foundation Staff
  • Summer 2014  Began Journey Toward becoming a Vet Tech
  • March 2019 Graduated from Penn Foster Vet Tech Program
  • November 2019  Passed Certifcation Exam

I realized that there are some gaps in those dates, but those are just some of the highlights that have gotten me to this place I am at today.  I have accomplished more than I realized I was capable of, and I am excited about the start of a “New Chapter” in the form of this New Year.  I ended 2019 particiapating in something known as the “Last 90 Days Challenge” (IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE CLICK HERE).  The challenge is about setting the intention to be mindful of the things you are doing and the habits that can help you be successful and live your best life.  It is about ending the year in the way that most people intend to start this first month or so of this new year.  While I wasn’t as consistent as I would have liked to be, I can see where I made progress over the course of the last 3 months.  I am so glad this challenge wasn’t about striving for perfection.  It equipped me to come into 2020 stronger and more mindful.  It also helped me during the challenge of trying to finish my Vet Tech Program and pass the VTNE.  I am so thankful to The Hollis Company (esp. Rachel and Dave Hollis) for all that they do with this challenge and just in general.  They inspire me to chase my best life.  That is the kind of mindset that I am coming into this new year with.

Now that I have shared a little bit about how I have reached this place I want to share a few items that are on my goals or resolutions for this year ahead.  I am not putting a “Time Limit” on these goals, but they are things that I want to be more intentional about in this coming year.

2020 Resolutions:

  •  Begin my Career as a Vet Tech
  • Read at least a couple times a week- I have a LONG list of books I want to read or have but have not read yet, and I want to be more intentional about reading.
  • Work on my “5 to Thrive” Habits from the Last 90 Days Challenge
    • Gratitude
    • Hydration
    • Rise Early
    • Move Body
    • Eat Right
  • I want to be more consistent or regular in terms of how much I post Blogs on here and Vlogs on YouTube.  I don’t have any “details” figured out at the moment, but I have hoping of growing my “Modern Vet Tech Lifestyle” community on all it’s platforms in this new year.
  • Something I was inspired to do from watching a youtube video that shared a “Empties” from 2019 of makeup, was to get an idea of my habits and trends when it comes to how much beauty products I use in year.  (IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY “EMPTIES” CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO THAT INPSIRED THIS!)  The bottom line here is I want to get an idea about my habits, and how many products I use in the year.  I want to be more mindful of my consumer habits in this area.
  • I want to continue this journey I started to be more mindful about purchasing products from companies that don’t harm animals.  I am adding that I want to be more mindful to also purchase things that can help me to be more kind to the environment overall.

Those are just some highlights of the things I am going to be working toward in this new year.  As those are the things that I am trying to include in my lifestyle they will be things that I intend to share about as this year progresses.

What are some of your goals or resolutions for this new year?  I would love to hear from you so please free to drop a comment.  Here’s to a wonderful new year!  Here’s to “The 20s” (round 2 that is)!

Freebies Alert

Hello Friends,

I wanted to share that I have a couple Freebies I’m looking to share at the start of the New Year. If you are interested please send me a message with your email address, and keep an eye out in your inbox for these awesome downloads I will send out in January.

If you are interested please send me your email! Thanks, I’m so excited to share these with y’all.


BlueLight Glasses

I have been working to getting outside of my comfort zone by making Vlogs to share in addition to the Blogs on this site.  As someone who isn’t always comfortable in front of the camera this has been a challenge for me.  However, growth can’t happen inside of your comfort zone, so here I am working on my fears.  Today’s vlog was one that is a little easier for me.  I wanted to create a “Digital Study Buddy” type vlog.  I am not on the screen or talking in this video, which is why it was easier for me.  But here is today’s study video for anyone who might be interested in a short medical terminology quiz….

I am working through the best ways to do other similar videos in case anyone is interested.  This was just something I came up with as a short, fun, study tool in the moment today.  I am working on other content ideas as well.  Please bear with me as I push through my struggles with this growth opportunity I am chasing after.  Thanks so much for joining me on this journey.

For anyone wondering, the glasses in the photo at the top of the page are suppose to be blue light reflective to keep computers and phone lights from straining your eyes.  This pair was cheap at a local discount store, and they honestly don’t work exactly right for me.  I was trying to find some to help since I have been trying to be more intentional about my content for this site, and the related social sites, and didn’t wait the blue light to strain my eyes.  Anyhow, maybe I will find some that work for me…you live and you learn.

Tech Savvy Tech

Favorite smartphone applications is a topic that many people are talking about these days. I wanted to share my current favorite vet med related apps. So here we go…

Exam Prep:

Since I am preparing to take my VTNE in a little less than a month I have a couple of Exam prep apps that I have been depending on a lot lately to help me practice and feel prepared.

Pocket Prep is nice because it has questions of the day, as well as practice exams. I am not sure how the exam countdown part counts because it is always different from what I have, but it is nice to have a basic idea of the time I have left.

Of course I have shared about Vet Tech Prep, but is so nice to have everything both on my laptop as well as on my phone. Everything from study material and tips to practice questions to simulated exams. I wish I had invested in this the first go around for sure.

That about sums up my favorite exam prep apps. There have been a couple other I’ve tried, but I didn’t like any of the others as much as these two. For anyone wondering, yes pocket prep is free to a point, but I did go ahead and invest the $25 or so in the full app, and I don’t regret it because it gives you so much more study practice than the free version.

Everyday/Long Term Apps:

These are apps that while they might be “newer” to me they are apps I can see myself keeping on hand for reference on-the-go.

There parasite flash cards are amazing. You pick a species and a mode and you can work through the flashcards and see a microscopic reference of each. CAPC did an amazing job of this app. I have used it thus far to do a little exam studying, but this is one I think I will keep on hand because it has such good material.

The Vet Pocket Calculator is my newest addition. It has both free and premium versions. I haven’t had an opportunity to use this app yet, but it has go a LOT of good information right on hand about common drugs. It also given you the option to add and/or edit drugs as needed. I believe this will defiantly come in handy. I know the Vet Pocket Instagram Math Monday questions have been super helpful for my math practice for the exam, and I am looking forward to using this app.

In Summary, here are the apps organized in their own special folder on my phone so you can see what the icons look like:

I hope you found this information helpful. Do you have any favorite vet med smartphone apps you’d like to share?

Study Update

Hello Friends,

I wanted to take a moment and share how I feel my studying for my VTNE is going.  Today (Oct 22nd) it is EXACTLY One Month till my scheduled testing date.  As part of my 3 month Vet Tech Prep Study Guide I took at 170 (Full) simulated exam today.  The timing was not intentionally planned on my part, but I think that it worked out great.

I can say that while I am not where I would like to be at this very moment in terms of the “numbers” and “percentages” I am seeing on Vet Tech Prep, I do feel much more confident at this point.  I know that this process has been helpful for me.  It has increased my confidence and challenged me at the same time, which I think is what I really needed.

As part of National Vet Tech Week I shared a bit about the things I am doing as I study, and what I have found helpful for me in terms of a study method.  I realize that not everyone is the same, and what works for me might not work for you.  The key is to find out what works for you and to capitalize on that.

Just because I am feeling more confident does NOT mean that I am not about to crawl out of my skin the closer my exam day gets.  I want to make the most of this month that I have left to study.  I am studying and giving this process everything I can based on my “recalibration” from my first attempt.  I am also constantly in prayer because it helps to calm my anxiousness.  I am so blessed, and I can’t wait to take this next step in my professional journey.

So, that’s how studying is going.  In terms of my life outside of exam prep, I am in the midst of a strange season.  I am both blessed, joyful, and yet there is also a blah feeling that seems to be following me around as of lately.  There has been a LOT going on in my personal life over the last month or two.  I have had a range of emotions all over the course of a short amount of time.  I am learning that it is ok to feel the feelings, but trying to not let the feelings control me.  I am trying to find joy and peace in the midst of the trials and struggles.  What a crazy rollercoaster of a ride it has been.  I am hoping I can find a place to call “home” in terms of work soon as this unintentional sabbatical was a blessing, but I am in need of somewhere to call home professionally.

I have to admit I have been proud of the regularity with which I have been posting both to this blog, as well as the related social accounts (including a couple youtube videos).  Vlogging is not something that comes very natural to me (so I am still learning), but I am proud to say I have a couple of videos posted, as well as ideas for a couple more things that I want to share in vlog form.

To anyone who has been taking the time to read my posts and especially to those who have taken the time to like my posts please know that I see you, and I am so VERY Blessed by you.  Your interactions with my posts means more than you know.  I am still trying to figure this whole “world” out, but I am glad to have you join me as I just share about life and vet med.  Is there something you would like to know?  I want to do my best to create content that is helpful and enjoyable for you, so if it is something that I think that I can do I would love to know what you’d like to see. I hope that you have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you.

VT Week Day 7: THANK YOU Message

Hello Friends,

This is the final day of National Vet Tech Week, and I wanted to take today to say


to all the hardworking Veterinary Professionals out there, especially our Technicians.  Thank you so much for all that you do so that the animals in your community are able to live their best lives.  I have  posted a YouTube Vlog Thank You message as well if you would like to check it out (youtube channel is linked to the top of the page.).

There is so much work that goes into helping animals and their humans to live their best life, and many times it can feel like a thankless job, but I am so thankful for those out there (like myself) who have a passion for helping and serving.  You are superstars.  We are a Team and I am so thankful to know that there are others who have the same passion as me.

If you are not a Veterinary Professional, please be sure to thank the Veterinary Staff in your lives for what they do for the animals.  This isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.  This job is difficult for many reasons that you don’t realize until you are in the middle of this world.  So, please show the Veterinary Professionals in your life some love and let them know that you are blessed by what they do.

To those who are struggling right now, I know it is hard sometimes, and I have seen MANY social media posts about folks not being recognized during this week, so consider this your special THANK YOU!  I am thankful for what you do!  You are seen!  You are AWESOME!  You are a ROCKSTAR!  Keep up the good work!

Happy National Veterinary Technician Week!  I can’t believe that this week has come to and end already.  I have greatly enjoyed being able to share with you this week!  Here’s to more awesome days ahead.

Here’s to an awesome National Vet Tech Week! Here’s a look back at what I shared this week:

VT Week Day 1: VTNE Prep


VT Week Day 2: My Journey Toward Becoming A Vet Tech

VT Week Day 3: Self-Care is a Hot Topic

VT Week Day 4: Global Cat Day

VT Week Day 5: Top 4 Things I Wish I’d Known BEFORE Vet Tech School

VT Week Day 6: Veterinary Technician Oath

Thank You Vlog

VT Week Day 6: Veterinary Technician Oath

I wanted to take a moment during this National Vet Tech Week, and take a look at what exactly it is that is in the Veterinary Technician Oath.

  • “I Solemnly Dedicate Myself”– To me this is about more than a promise.  It is something that is done with a serious mindset and intention.  You have a sense of focus and mission.
  • “Aiding Animals & Society”– What we do at Veterinary Professionals is about more than just the animals, it is about society and people also.  As much as we LOVE animals, we have to care about people also.
  • “Providing excellent care & service for animals”– This is about more than doing just the minimum required.  This is about going above and beyond to pursue excellence.
  • “Alleviating Animal Suffering”– This one to me sort of speaks for itself, but suffering can be about more than just the physical side of things.  Suffering can be emotional as well.  Special shout out to animal work helps with things like animal behavior, so that we can help treat the WHOLE animal and not just the physical side.  Special Shout Out to the Fear Free Community for all that they are doing to promote animal health and well being.
  • “Promoting Public Health”– Again there is so much of what we do that goes beyond just animals.  There are MANY diseases and things that can affect the humans in and around the animals in our community and we are responsible to help make sure that we are doing all we can so that everyone is able to stay as happy and healthy as possible.
  • “Practice Profession Conscientiously and with Sensitivity”– This means we take the time to create a plan and we do things with empathy.  We are not robots.
  • “adhering to the Profession’s Code of Ethics”– This means that there is standard that we are held to as professionals, and we are responsible for being sure we follow that standard.
  • “furthering knowledge and competence through a commitment to lifelong learning”– Things are constantly changing and new methods and treatments are constantly available.  We can help to provide the best possible care and advice when we are constantly seeking to learn and educate ourselves to the things that are available.

That is a taste of what this oath means to me as I read it, and think about what it practically means for someone who is seeking a career as a Veterinary Technician.  What does this Oath mean to you?  Have you ever taken the time to really stop and think about what each statement means?  On this Veterinary Technician Week I want to say that this Oath is truly something that I believe to be important to the lives of Veterinary Professionals (as a whole, but especially Technicians).  I am making a personal commitment to start living this out as best I can now in preparation for what my goals are in the days, weeks, months,  and years to come.  Happy National Veterinary Technician Week!  Only one more day left in this special week.  I have been so blessed to be able to share with everyone each day this week about different topics, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading my thoughts.

VT Week Day 5: Top 4 Things I Wish I’d Known BEFORE Vet Tech School

Vet Tech school can feel like an ocean at times, and post-graduation can feel like being thrown in the deep end.

In honor of Vet Tech Week, I wanted to share…

The top 4 things I wish I’d known before I started Vet Tech School.

  1. I wish I had known how stressful the daily parts of the job would be on my joints, especially my knees. My knee braces and compression socks have been a MAJOR help.  It has also been stressful to my back.  I do my best to remind myself about proper lifting technique (“lift with your legs, not your back”), but there are still times where I have had to restrain an animal in the floor, and it has been rough on my back.  Does this mean that I regret this choice of career?  NO!  I am just more intentional and mindful about the things that will help me to take better care of my body in a situation that can be stressful to your body.
  2. I wish I had known a little more about what to expect when it came to the VTNE. I see so many folks asking about resources others used. I also see many who don’t want to spend the extra money on resources like Vet Tech Prep (among others). I was of this mentality, but take it from someone who was once in that place that you get out of your studying what you are willing to put into it.
  3. I wish I had known just how important the hands on experience was. As someone who came to this field “green behind the ears”, I wish I had made more of an effort earlier on to get practical experience.
  4. I wish I had known how real the feeling of “imposter syndrome” was gonna be for me. Again, since I am so NEW to this field, I have days where I struggle to be able to truly own the fact that I have an incredible education, and knowledge base to work from.

VT Week Day 2: My Journey Toward Becoming A Vet Tech

I began my journey toward Veterinary Medicine is a somewhat unique way.  This is my second college-level degree, and it is where I have ended up after a long season of searching to find my place as an adult in the world.  I wanted to share a little bit by my story in honor of National Veterinary Technology Week.  I hope that my story can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for anyone who is facing struggles of their own.  It has not been all rainbows and unicorns for me along the way, but I have learned SO SO MUCH, and I am stronger than I ever thought possible.

I have loved animals for as long as I can remember. Growing up “what I wanted to be when I grew up” kept changing. At one point dolphin trainer was among the things I thought about. When I got to college I got involved with a therapeutic horseback riding program, and pursued a degree in recreation therapy (human medicine). After graduation, I struggled to find where I fit into the picture of adulthood. After, many, many years of “professional” struggles to get any kind of professional work experience I began the journey of going back to school. It wasn’t that I didn’t like my first choice, but it just wasn’t the best fit for me. So, after a little research, I entered the Penn Foster Veterinary Technology Program. It was a robust program that taught me what it means to stay strong in the midst of struggles. I worked hard, and poured my blood, sweat, and tears into my degree. It still feels unreal to say I’m a graduate. My certification exam, was another mountain I was faced with. My first attempt I struggled, but I am preparing now to retake my exam in a little over a month! If you wanna hear more about that my post from “Vet Tech Week Day 1” talks about it, and there is a vlog on my YouTube. My struggles have served to make me stronger and have caused me to test my dedication level to this career field. If I can stay strong after the obstacles I have been through then I know I’m where I am meant to be. I am so honored to be able to be working toward helping animals be able to live their best possible lives.

What got you interested in animals and/or veterinary medicine? What do you love most about it?